Adhesive labels / Various adhesive labels sort by By popularity Product name Price (lowest first) Price (highest first) Latest articles Product number Adhesive labels / Various adhesive labels Various adhesive labels Instructions and frequently asked questions I have some questions! Top sellers ECE Headlights position sticker 6,50 EUR MATTER - manufacturer's approval for roll cage 14,90 EUR Paint marking aluminium until 1980 - individually engraved 49,95 EUR Canada Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (CMVSS) decal (1976 – 2005) 7,00 EUR RE-ARO seat angle adhesive individual (pair). 18,50 EUR ECE regulations - E-standard - small - ALL variants 7,50 EUR Alfa Romeo Paintcode-Sticker Aluminum 23,90 EUR RE-ARO seat rail adhesive individual (pair). 25,95 EUR KE-PER - RE-ARO seat angle adhesive individual (pair). 18,50 EUR "Notrad" - spare wheel sticker Version until 1998 10,90 EUR